About Us

Steve Provis

Hi, I’m Steve Provis, founder and editor of The Inspired Gardener.

My passion for gardening began at an early age while helping my parents tend to their expansive suburban yard, lawns, and vegetable garden.

Growing up, I spent a lot of time in the garden and quickly developed a keen interest in growing vegetables from seed. I loved experimenting with all kinds of plants and gardening methods, often spending my pocket money on seeds, plants, and garden supplies.

Naturally, my family and friends encouraged my passion, and on birthdays and Christmas, I often received gardening books and tools as gifts. As I grew older, I also helped my parents’ friends and neighbors with their gardens in addition to my own. Over the years, I gained a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience, transforming my childhood interest into a lifelong passion.

Our Purpose and Mission:

My team and I created The Inspired Gardener as a place for like-minded green thumbs to find solutions to the unique challenges we face in our yards. Whether you’re a beginner or have a few years of experience, you’ll discover practical gardening tips, expert advice, and inspiration to help you get more enjoyment out of your outdoor space.

We understand that a beautiful garden doesn’t get that way by itself. Indeed, it requires knowledge, careful planning, and consistent care — along with the right tools and equipment.

That’s why we also offer in-depth reviews and recommendations for tools and products that can make your time in the garden a more efficient and rewarding experience. Our reviews and buying guides are designed to help you save time, make informed decisions, and easily select the best product for your needs.

If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, feel free to contact us here

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